Thursday, 8 August 2013

Books Glorious Books!

I love books. I can't remember a time when I didn't love books. So it's probably not a big surprise that my professional life has taken me down the path of … working on books.

Some of my earliest memories are of sitting snuggled up to my mother as she read to me. Now, I get to do that with my own daughter and it's often one of the highlights of my day. The joy that I feel as she engages with the words, delights in the pictures, and lives what we're reading is pure magic. I would love to write, to create a book of my own that would give that joy to others, but while that may yet happen, for now I content myself with shaping other people's words.

My role as a publishing consultant, editor and proofreader is a privileged one. I am entrusted with the result of hours, days, weeks and sometimes years of creative struggle on the part of the author. And it is my responsibility to make that manuscript the best it can be. At every stage, I need to be mindful of the author — after all, it's a very vulnerable position to be in when someone is editing your work; your creation is being tampered with by another and the last thing anyone wants is to end up with a Franken-book! 

A lovely part of the process is that sometimes authors end up as friends. Collaborating so closely with someone over a period of weeks or months can often provide an insight into their world, and it's not unusual for common interests — beyond writing and books — to emerge.

Working with books is also a phenomenal tool for developing general knowledge. I am in high demand for trivia nights and quizzes as, while I may not know a lot about many things, I know something about most!

Books, whether printed or ebook, have brought so much to my life. Whether working on a manuscript or reading for pleasure, there is nothing better than becoming immersed in the world of words …

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